From Griselda Gambaro, Argentina’s most widely recognized playwright, to such renowned performers as Brazil’s Denise Stoklos and Mexico’s Jesusa Rodríguez, these women are involved in some of Latin America’s most important aesthetic and political movements. Of varied racial and ethnic backgrounds, they come from across Latin America—Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Peru, and Cuba.
- With regard to my experience, I was mayor in Miguel Hidalgo and now I preside over a global organization.
- We also campaign for the adoption of gender-sensitive whistleblowing protections and the adoption of measures that guarantee equal political participation.
- One is the emphasis on social issues (immigration, poverty, violence, inequality, etc.) and activism.
The study found that participants in public programs had increases in sales, production per worker, wages, and employment in their companies. At the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing , the platform for action with respect to women’s equality and empowerment was defined. It changed the legal frameworks and created institutions oriented to develop and promote gender equality in several countries. A fundamental aspect for business development is access to financing, which can influence the success of new and growing women-owned businesses . In the financial system, the role of institutions is to capture resources from family savings and then, through credit, allocate them to investment projects and business and family initiatives. In this sense, the financial system is related to the economic progress of developing countries because it stimulates savings, capital accumulation, and a better allocation of resources or productive efficiency . Concerning female work activity in Latin America, the percentage of women who own a business is 2.8%, which represents less than half the percentage of male business owners .
Aidis, Weeks, and Anacker indicate that this may be reflected in equal legal rights, access to education, networking, technology, and capital. Institutional support is related to financing, governmental regulation, market opportunities, skilled labor, and connections to resource holders . In relation to institutionalism, there are international agreements to promote equity in different economic aspects; in spite of this, women entrepreneurs are not included in the agendas of Latin American countries. In this region, the process is still in progress; nevertheless, there are important achievements, such as the constitution of ministries of women, although at present not all countries in the region have ministries for women. In addition, there are various initiatives of plans or policies that address women entrepreneurship.
So, although mired in conflict, the Encuentros signaled the intimate ties between ideas regarding gender struggle and the political conditions that give rise to those ideas. In regard to the legal and regulatory framework, Latin America has made significant progress in the promotion of gender equity, and there has been steady progress in institutional reforms toward equity. Nevertheless, in relation to the rights related to women’s economic opportunities, the results are varied . In the region, there are laws that support nondiscrimination, workplace protections, and pregnant women’s rights, among others; however, these are not yet adequate. Despite the fact that there are various laws that protect women in these areas, there are still cultural practices that undermine these rights. It is recommended to conduct research and report the legal work to give greater security and development to women. Terjesen, Elam, and Brush state that the role of Latin American women entrepreneurs is increasingly important; however, their participation in the economy is limited due to family responsibilities.
The promotion of women entrepreneurs’ networks and associations is one of the most widely used public and private tools to support the development of women-owned businesses. Nevertheless, these are isolated projects that are not clearly articulated; hence, their effectiveness is relatively low .
Other studies specify that it is insufficient to review only individual aspects to explain entrepreneurship, and we need to understand the problems influenced by the environment rather than by individual aspects. Aldrich, Rosen, and Woodward state that social structures affect the entrance of women into the business sector. Business environment factors can be economic, financial, legal, political, and sociocultural, and these are beyond the company’s control . The extent to which these structural dimensions affect women entrepreneurs depends on cultural norms in a given society .
Women in Latin America and the Caribbean
TheRegional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbeanis a subsidiary body of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and is the main regional intergovernmental forum on women’s rights and gender equality within the United Nations system. It is organised by ECLAC as Secretariat of the Conference and, since 2020, with the support of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women). In the states we examined, slightly more than a quarter (26.2%) of Latinas have a college degree, on average.
What Hispanic Women and Latinas Need to Know About Breast Cancer
Apollcommissioned by the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health found that the majority of Latinas agree that women have the right to make their own personal, private decisions about abortion, countering popular narratives of Latinas as being socially conservative and anti-abortion. Government authorities highlight women’s inclusion and economic empowerment as drivers of sustainable development. The indicators of the World Bank’sgender scorecards, which were used to study 29 Latin American and the Caribbean countries, indicate that progress has been made toward general equality but there are still major challenges. We face big challenges to help the world’s poorest people and ensure that everyone sees benefits from economic growth. Data and research help us understand these challenges and set priorities, share knowledge of what works, and measure progress. We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face. ; introduced shared parental leave and increased the length of paternity leave to encourage the sharing of responsibilities for unpaid care work.
Latin American feminism focuses on the critical work that women have undertaken in reaction to the forces that created this context. At present, the context is dominated by neoliberal economic policies that, in the environment of globalization, have disproportionally impacted the most vulnerable segments of society.
Business entrepreneurship is a generator of prosperity in the United States and Latina women, along with African-American women, are leading this entrepreneurial force. According to the Census, there are 1.5 million Latina-owned businesses with approximately $78.8 billion in sales. Georgia is experiencing the largest growth in the number of Latina women-owned businesses in the U.S. since 2017.
From my husband, that success comes with effort, that good things in life are not created as a result of speed but of perseverance, and that support for one’s partner is inherent to love. From at this source my siblings, I have learned that family is irreplaceable and that we must take care of family. My best teachers are my three children, who teach me new things about life every day. I think that leadership styles have more to do with personality than with gender.
Importantly, as more evidence is gathered, governments and the private sector are gaining new insights into how this pandemic is transforming women’s and men’s lives and taking appropriate measures to respond to existing gaps. An increase in caregiving responsibilities and a slow recovery of sectors that predominantly employ women partly explain these impacts. While some Hispanics say Latinx should be used as a pan-ethnic term, few say they prefer it over others. A majority (61%) say they prefer Hispanic to describe the Hispanic or Latino population in the U.S., and 29% say they prefer Latino. Meanwhile, just 4% say they prefer Latinx to describe the Hispanic or Latino population. Hispanics who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party are more likely to have heard of Latinx than those who identify with or lean toward the Republican Party (29% vs. 16%). In addition, the U.S. born are more likely than the foreign born to have heard the term (32% vs. 16%), and Hispanics who are predominantly English speakers or bilingual are more likely than those who mainly speak Spanish to say the same (29% for both vs. 7%).